ESXi 4 on a bootable USB key

  1. Download ESXi 4.o VMware-VMvisor-Installer-4.0.0-164009.x86_64.iso
  2. Open image.tgz
  3. Open image.tgz\usr\lib\vmware\installer\VMware-VMvisor-big-164009-x86_64.dd.bz2
  4. Extract VMware-VMvisor-big-164009-x86_64.dd to your local hardrive
  5. Attach the USB flash drive and make sure you no longer need the data on it
  6. Use WinImage to transfer VMware-VMvisor-big-164009-x86_64.dd to the USB flash drive
    1. Disk->Restore Virtual Hard Disk image on physical drive…
    2. Select the USB flash drive (Warning: If you select the wrong disk you will lose data!)
    3. Select the image file VMware-VMvisor-big-164009-x86_64.dd
    4. Confirm the warning message
    5. Wait for the transfer to complete
  7. Unplug the USB flash drive (Warning: If you forget to unplug the flash drive from the PC you might lose the data on your hard drives the next time you boot!)
  8. Attach the USB flash drive to the machine you want to boot (Warning: If ESX Server 4i recognizes local drives, you might lose the data on it, so make sure you don´t need it anymore or unplug all hard drives!)
  9. Turn the machine on and make sure the USB flash drive is selected as boot device
  10. Watch ESX Server 4i boot
  11. Configure
  12. Enjoy!

Disable Debug Mode in Workstation 7.0 Experimental

When installing workstation 7 experimental (e.x.p build-169612), all virtuals will run in debug mode. When starting virtal machine’s, the following message appears:


When looking at the debug options, you can not disable it. Offcourse this is necessary for VMware to troubleshoot their experimental build, but your virtuals will slow down a little bit.

To turn off the debugging mode you can do the following (stop vmware workstation):

  1. Go to your installation path (normally C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation)
  2. Rename vmware-vmx-debug.exe to vmware-vmx-debug.old
  3. Copy vmware-vmx.exe to vmware-vmx-debug.exe

If you start a virtual machine now, the message is gone and debugging is off.

Running PowerShel Scripts to generate ESX Reports

In my previous post i have written about a script that gave an output of the datastore usage of your esx hosts. For this you need to run a powershell script against your virtual center server.

Before you can run this script you have a few requirement, this requirements are:

After installing the Microsoft PowerShell and VI Toolkit for Windows you have to place your scripts in the script directory (c:\program files\vmware\infrastructure\vitoolkitforwindows\scripts)

Check your rights, it should be unrestricted: “powershell get-executionpolicy”.
If your result is: “Restricted”, type in the following command: “powershell set-executionpolicy unrestricted”

Now you can run your scripts by starting the “VMware VI Toolkit (for windows)”, this option can be found under start > programs > vmware > vmware vi toolkit

VMware ESX Datastore Reports – PowerShell

Using Microsft PowerShell and the VI Toolkit for Windos you can do some nice stuff. When looking for a way to make reports for a customer of my i’ve stumbled upon a few scripts.

All you have to do is to install Microsoft Powershell, VI toolkit for windows and have Office on your machine. When running the powershell script [wpdm_file id=”4″] i get the following output:

Datastore Chart

Contents of datastore.ps1:

if ((Test-Path  REGISTRY::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\OWC11.ChartSpace.11) -eq $False)
       Write-Host "This script requires Office Web Components to run correctly, please install these from the following website:"
connect-VIServer yourserver

$Caption = "Datastore Usage %"

$categories = @()
$values = @()
$chart = new-object -com OWC11.ChartSpace.11
$c = $chart.charts.Add(0)
$c.Type = 4
$c.HasTitle = "True"
$series = ([array] $chart.charts)[0].SeriesCollection.Add(0)

Get-datastore |Sort-Object FreeSpaceMB -Descending | foreach-object {

        $capacitymb = $_.CapacityMB
        $FreeSpaceMB = $_.FreeSpaceMB
        $UsedSpace = $capacitymb - $freespacemb

        $perc = $UsedSpace / $capacitymb * 100

        $categories += $_.Name
        $values += $perc * 1

$series.Caption = $Caption
$series.SetData(1, -1, $categories)
$series.SetData(2, -1, $values)
$filename = (resolve-path .).Path + "\Chart.jpg"
$chart.ExportPicture($filename, "jpg", 800, 500)
invoke-item $filename