First delete all VSS snapshots (e.g. disk F):
vssadmin delete shadows /for=f: /all
Optimize the disk with powershell:
Optimize-Volume -driveletter F -defrag -verbose
Resize the disk with powershell (e.d. to 450 GB):
Resize-Partition -Driveletter F –Size 450GB
Shrink the disk with diskpart (e.d. 1784 MB):
shrink minimum 1784
To check the Maximum size and the Minimum size to where a disk can shrink, use the following command:
Get-PartitionSupportedSize -DiskNumber 1 -PartitionNumber 1 | select @{Name=”Minimum Size (GB)”; Expression={$_.SizeMin/1GB}}, @{Name=”Maximum Size (GB)”;Expression={$_.SizeMax/1GB}}
With Diskpart
shrink querymax