In my previous post i have written about a script that gave an output of the datastore usage of your esx hosts. For this you need to run a powershell script against your virtual center server.
Before you can run this script you have a few requirement, this requirements are:
- A windows machine with access to the VC server
- Microsoft PowerShell
- VI Toolkit for Windows
- Microsoft Office 2003 or higher (for reports which uses components of office)
After installing the Microsoft PowerShell and VI Toolkit for Windows you have to place your scripts in the script directory (c:\program files\vmware\infrastructure\vitoolkitforwindows\scripts)
Check your rights, it should be unrestricted: “powershell get-executionpolicy”.
If your result is: “Restricted”, type in the following command: “powershell set-executionpolicy unrestricted”
Now you can run your scripts by starting the “VMware VI Toolkit (for windows)”, this option can be found under start > programs > vmware > vmware vi toolkit